Sunday, November 28, 2010

The WSET / ISG Challenge Number 5: Italy

It’s all about spending some time in Italy for this round of practice questions. What more need be said when you can sit and sip great wine in a setting like this garden patio in Tuscany? Check in tomorrow for answers to today's puzzle.

The Italian white wine known as Gavi is made from which grape?

  1. Trebbiano
  2. Cortese
  3. Arneis
  4. Mocscato de Asti

What Italian wine region produces all three of the following wines: Spanna, Arneis, and Brachetto?

  1. Piedmont
  2. Umbra
  3. Tuscany
  4. Veneto

FYI: These are actual practice questions from Frank’s WSET and ISG studies. Let us know how you’re enjoying them and using them.

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